Our Partners

At a high-level, PCRC’s theory of change suggests that if PCRC partners with communities and their corresponding high needs neighborhoods, schools, jails, and workplaces to provide tailored and targeted services around building skills, transforming conflict, and leveraging their inherent strengths, then over time the communities will become vibrant – reduced violence, increased civic engagement, and increased community resilience.


No adult has ever given me the credit to make my own decisions until now.
— Incarcerated Youth Training Participant

For many families in need of additional support in engaging with school services, PCRC is the necessary link between families and schools. We provide trainings and guidance to parents who require assistance in navigating the complexities of the school system, accessing health care and connecting with local services and resources. Our services include:

  • Nationally-acclaimed Parent Project® parenting classes

  • Parent workshops on leadership development and capacity building

  • One-on-one coaching with workshop participants, PTA and ELAC parent committees

  • Consultation for administrators, staff and teachers to improve family engagement

  • Facilitated dialogues between school families, staff and administrators to strengthen relationships

  • Training for service providers and school staff working to increase parent involvement


Community Groups and Initiatives

Families and Parents

Thank you, I loved the class. I learned things that I can apply both at home and at work.
— Parent Leadership Participant at Selby Lane

At the Peninsula Conflict Resolution Center (PCRC), we partner with communities to break down cultural stigmas around physical and mental health, working together to create a more complete and supportive environment. We uplift non-traditional leaders who have the potential to drive meaningful change, building partnerships that empower groups to take action on the issues that matter most to them. As a trusted resource for local organizations, we collaborate on projects, campaigns, initiatives, and coalitions—bringing people together to make real impact. When differing perspectives slow progress, PCRC helps groups find common ground and reach shared goals. Our focus is on building lasting skills so communities can continue thriving long after our work is done.

The meeting on Sunday was fabulous. It was organized to stimulate each person to think not only about what they knew regarding the subject, but to consider a wide scope of options. The facilitators directed the conversation to ensure that everyone had a chance to share. The preset questions were universal for all and the instant Spanish translation put everyone on the same page. I love to see a meeting including members from the city, county, and community run like clockwork. Great job!
— Community Meeting Participant

Local Government

PCRC helps city and county officials and the communities they serve come together to address pressing issues and polices that have far-reaching impact. We help resolve the disputes that siphon time and energy so that local governments and their residents can focus on the shared goal of improving the quality of life for everyone who lives and works in San Mateo County. For example, many long-time businesses that make up our communities' cultural and historic fabric are struggling to remain in the county. Preserving such businesses has a lasting effect on a community’s stability and economic vibrancy. PCRC works with communities on redevelopment efforts to increase economic growth without displacement.

After partnering with PCRC, I understand that authentic community engagement takes a lot more strategy than one meeting with the public. How can anyone understand something as complex as a General Plan update in one community meeting?
— East Palo Alto Senior Planner

Schools and Youth

Businesses and Workplaces

PCRC works with businesses to provide training in areas such as communication skills, conflict resolution and meeting management. We can help plan and facilitate staff retreats or networking and outreach efforts. When challenges arise with customers or business associates, between co-workers or among work teams, we can assist with dispute resolution.

The Peninsula Conflict Resolution Center (PCRC) offers a variety of youth and school programs designed to foster a supportive and harmonious community. Our services include restorative practices, peer mediation, and awareness initiatives aimed at reducing alcohol and other drug (AOD) use. We provide comprehensive training for youth, parents, and staff, focusing on effective communication, active listening, and de-escalation techniques. Through these programs, we empower young people with the tools to resolve conflicts, build stronger relationships, and create safer school environments.

Law Enforcement

PCRC facilitates safe spaces for communities and law enforcement officials to address complex issues around violence, youth access to drugs and alcohol, immigration and other concerns facing residents. Partnerships and collaboration can transform adversarial “us vs. them” attitudes into shared values of safety and togetherness.

PCRC also does annual outreach in each city to patrol officers who are often first responders in neighbor and family disputes.

We realized that going along to get along wasn't working very well. Mediation lent clarity to what was going on. It illuminated our dynamic in a crystalline way. We had to let our illusions go and be equal players”


Based on the belief that people can solve their own problems, PCRC empowers individuals with tools and processes to address challenges collaboratively while preserving relationships. We provide neutral, facilitative support in a variety of situations to help individuals consider their goals, reach out to others, communicate their interests effectively and find mutually acceptable resolutions to their concerns. If training is needed, we help with skills and capacity building. Throughout our work, we maintain strict confidentiality. First and foremost, we’re here to listen.

Other Nonprofits and Organizations

PCRC works with other local service organizations and nonprofits to provide training workshops in areas such as having difficult conversations, cultural humility, conflict resolution and restorative practices. We can help plan and facilitate staff retreats or meetings with community partners to seek input or form collaborative networks. When challenges arise with clients or partners, between employees or among workgroups, we can help facilitate win-win solutions.

Without PCRC’s facilitation support we would have been only 10% as effective in our strategic planning
— Nonprofit Board Director