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Training Options

Communication & Conflict Resolution Training

1. Conflict Resolution (5 Steps)

Conflict resolution skills are essential to the success of forging relationships between people, communities, and organizations. Learn to hone your leadership skills through the art of transforming conflict into an opportunity for collaboration and progress.

2. De-escalation/Working with Difficult Personalities

Discover the art of de-escalation through the vehicle of respect and empathy. This training is an interactive training that provides practical strategies and tools for navigating challenging behaviors and challenging workplace situations.

3. Intention vs. Impact

Ever wondered how a simple misunderstanding could escalate into an insurmountable mound of conflict? Through this interactive training, you will discover the influence of intention and impact and its role and contribution to the conflict. (Other Categories: Improving Workplace Effectiveness)

4. Active Listening for Facilitators*

How well you listen has a significant impact on your relationships, professionally and personally. Become a better listener and improve your capacity and ability to influence others through an interactive and collaborative approach to active listening.

5. Exploring Your Hooks and Triggers

This training's objectives are to understand the role that hooks and triggers play in one’s actions and relationships, and how to transform these hooks and triggers to de-escalate the conflict.

6. Conflict Styles

This topic uses interactive strategies to teach individuals to assess their conflict styles and their impact on their communication, relationships, and life. (Other Categories: Improving Workplace Effectiveness)

7. Peacemaker Training

The goal of this workshop is to teach students to be peacemakers in a school-based conflict resolution program aimed at teaching them to manage their conflicts through negotiation and mediation, the core skills taught in the program.

Improving Workplace Effectiveness Training

1. Basic Facilitation Training

For leaders to excel in todays progressive workplace, the job workplace requires the ability to efficiently and effectively facilitate teams and workgroup processes. Join us in developing your facilitation skills to help people collectively move through a process, support common objectives, foster participation, ideas, and perspectives that add value and cultivate shared interests.

2. Giving and Receiving Feedback

Develop your skills in the art of participating in a constructive and productive dialogue. Maximize your potential to effectively communicate improvement areas while highlighting strengths and ultimately identifying a collaborative action plan.

3. Effective Communication Skills in the Workplace

Communication is key for stewarding effective workplace relationships. Sharpen your interpersonal skills and communication techniques through a collaborative and engaging process that will build confidence and establish credibility as a leader.

4. The Art of Asking Questions for Facilitators*

Participants would learn how to gather information about the causes of conflicts and each sides perspective by asking the type of questions that focus on the issue, not the person.

5. Work Styles / Medicine Wheel

Human beings experience the world and operate in it in varied ways. Very often, they experience confusion, discomfort or frustration when confronted with persons whose ways of seeing the world and operating in it are different from their own. This training uses the Lakota traditions Medicine Wheel (the wheel of life) to teach participants to value all skills and styles as essential contributions to a groups work so that they can experience belonging as a strength rather than an impediment.

Collaboration, Respect, and Belonging Training

1. Community Engagement

Learn about a range of tools and strategies to ensure success when implementing a community engagement program. Learn how to foster and enhance trust as a critical element in long-term, sustainable engagement, and effective governance.

2. Individual and Organizational Effectiveness Through Cultural Humility

An interactive training that empowers individuals and professionals to break down the barriers of division and to cultivate belonging through the lens of Cultural Humility principles and practices.

3. The Art of Relationship Training

At some point in a relationship, a conflict will arise. How you deal with it will determine whether the conflict strengthens the connection or not. Learn how to talk it through and listen to other points of view using a series of practical, valuable communication tools, rather than avoid the point of contention.

4. Implicit Bias

A tailored and engaging training that focuses on defining and understanding implicit bias. The influence of bias and how bias may affect daily interactions and decision making. Learn practical interpersonal approaches to minimize and begin exploring and addressing implicit bias.

5. Finding common ground: Empowering Youth to Take Charge of Conflict

To empower is to give power. It means giving or allowing someone to use power. Power itself is the ability to do something, to influence or outright control the behavior of people. Learn how to empower young people on how to deal with conflict and give them the ability to change the society positively.

6. Give Your Customer Service the Power of Positive Communication

Listening to your customers and demonstrating that you value their feedback are the keys to building trust. In this course, you will discover how to ask practical questions, de-escalate emotion and offer reassurance even when you don’t have all the answers.

7. The Art of Dialogue for Facilitators*

To build a culture of dialogue in an organization, specific skills must be nurtured. While some people have a natural propensity for dialogue, these skills do not come naturally to most and need to be honed. Train your staff on the skills they need to master the art of dialogue. (Other Categories: Improving Workplace Effectiveness)

For more information, please contact Monique Wright Gory, Director of Programs,

*Needs Basic Facilitation Prerequisite.